There are few reasons why some search results for people might disappear on facebook and that’s what we would be discussing in this post.
The good thing about this post is that I won’t only be giving you the reasons, I would also hold you by the hand and walk you through the process of getting this problem solved.
If you have a friend or just some random person you bumped into his or her content that caught your interest, odds are you might want to look that person up most especially if you failed to follow the person the first time you came across his/her content.
There are times when you will need an information about something and then, you will remember someone made the post before.
The next thing that comes to your mind is that you look the person up using the facebook search bar; but unfortunately, the error “we didn’t find any result” pops up.
What do you do at this point? Could there be a solution to this error most especially when you are so sure about the spelling of the username? Well, we would be discussing that later in this post.
Why Do Some Search Results For People Disappear Facebook?
Below are the 4 reasons why some search results for people disappear on facebook.
1. The person blocked you: If someone on facebook blocks you, whether or not you are friends, you still will not be able to find the person on facebook search.
2. The person restricted his or her privacy settings: There are a lot of people who love privacy and might want to be found based on certain criteria e.g friends of friends.
Some people prefer to be found by friends of friends as this further helps them keep and maintain their privacy.
3. You’ve blocked the person: Another reason why you might be finding it difficult to find someone on facebook search is because you’ve blocked the person.
There are a lot of reasons why you might have blocked the said person. You could have done it unknowingly or probably, your children did it whilst playing with your phone. So, you definitely might want to confirm if the person in question was blocked from your end.
4. You might have misspelled the name of the person in question: As you know, facebook is a very huge social media platform with billions of users with similar names. You just might want to check the name of the person again to make sure you aren’t spelling the name wrongly.
How To Fix “Sorry We Didn’t Find Any Result Matching This Search” On Facebook

1. Go to your phone settings
2. Click on App and Notifications

3. Click on Apps

4. Locate the facebook app and click on it

5. Click on storage

6. Click on clear cache

7. Click on clear data

8. Click on OK

9. Click on force stop

10. Head on over to google play store and search for the facebook app. Make sure it’s the same as the one you have on your phone
11. Click on update.

You have successfully gotten rid of whatever would cause people you search for not to appear on facebook search.
You can only follow the above steps if the said person has not blocked you from his/her end.
Make sure you are inserting the right spelling on the facebook search bar plus you wanna make sure you aren’t blocking the person from your end too.